haunted catacombs? hayride? cornmaze?

how much do these events cost? and which ones are worthwhile?


catacombs is 20 bucks for 4 haunted houses… and it sucked.

I keep hearing Dark Ravens Manor is the place to be… although I have not visited myself yet.

cost there?.. where is it…ill google it in a sec

http://www.darkravenmanor.com that was easy

18 bucks normal and theres a coupon for 2 bucks off…

yeah about as easy as your original question.

I’m going to the catacombs tonight. I hope it doesn’t suck. The website and the commercials make it look really good.

where are the catacombs

dick/george urban… garden village plaza

I hear its sooooo bad… go to raven… it has been the best the last few years I have gone

And yes I still go to haunted houses cuz thur effin awzummm

yea… but i just searched for the exact name… i was looking for alternative ideas from people who are local and know what sucks and whats worth the money…

the commercials for catacombs are what got me thinking about this too.

I went last night, not good to go to hung over, thought with the strobes and shit I was going to toss my fucking cookies

The “maze” shit pisses me off, I just want to see cool shit not wander around in the darkness with a bunch of highschool fucksticks goofing around

Also they have these devices that when you step on a strip on the floor it releases a very loud blast of compressed air, I have a degree of hearing loss/damage due to years of playing in bands and going to concerts without ear plugs, for the past 8 years or so I am very cautious and concious of my hearing and always wear ear plugs, the compressed air shit gets my ears ringing instantly, shit pissed me off, prob happened about 10 times

That and some “actor” who was a guy grabbed my ass randomly, dont know if in the dark he mistook me for a chick (I have long hair) but he almost got knocked the fuck out

Theres some cool stuff to see but I would say its worth $10, $20 is overpriced IMHO

i heard haunted catacombs was good and frightworld sucked.
The cornmaze on the blvd was fun.If you dont use the map thing they give you you will get lost.$7

Dark Raven Manor is too far to drive to on a Thursday night. Hahah.

The website for the Catacombs says it’s only $15. What’s the deal?

people whove attended both this year… said neither are worth 20 bucks… but catacombs wasnt so bad… meh… what other options are there? do either offer hayrides like the place in hamburg did/does?

All are worthwhile

Disclaimer: This reply applies only to those 12 years of age or under.

I have honestly been to every one in WNY this year and by far DARK RAVEN MANOR is the place to go. its the only one worth the money. Ive gone there for the past 3 years and its still my favorite. Trust me.

i went to ellicotville for the haunted hayride/maze/ barn, it was only 10 bucks, nice ride up there but the hayride was weak…all it was is a bunch of people jumping on to the ride… no scenes or anything, the maze was pretty good, got lost a bunch of times but i was getting pissed because it was complete darkness and was pulling two girls , the barn wasnt to bad either, the tunnel freaked me out though and i barely mad it thru…

i went to frightworld last year, was ok

frightworld this year was hilarious. i actually scared one of the workers. LOL.