Have you asked anybody yet? No, but who would? I don't even have any good skills

Say all you wan’t-YOU’RE still a complete fucking moron. Who has limited knowledge and no skills to speak of other than to be correcting grammar on a forum post. Get a life sunshine…
P.S. those cones and racetracks you speak of must have really fucked you up. Did you suck that bad at it? :idiots


Pussy get hurt eh? :lol

I have “limited knowledge” and “no skills to speak of”? WTF are you Napolean Dynamite?! Actually, this is a bit better than your previous attempt at mocking my income. :rofl

But, I expected better from someone with a HVCC education :lol

do we need a Shawn96VR-4 vs 1stgen thread?

I think that’s the purpose of this thread. I am trying to be a good moderator by keeping the topics on point. :tong

Well then…

P.S.S. I missed this gem. JClark informs me that you think I autox’ed? :rofl Sounds like someone got into Beanie’s special stash. :lol

so much fail… :lol
