have you ever wanted a set of ccw classics but not multipiece...

My FRIEND bought these wheels to use for the winter with snow tires. She been them NEW-used someone bought them and never used them and resold to her) for dirt cheap. At 4AM Saturday night, she was going 35-ish MPH down a 1 lane street. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. The best I can describe what happened is the following:

Car is going straight down the road. The road did not have any pot holes, the driver was not under the influence of any drugs/alcohol. In a split second, the right front passenger side wheel collapsed and made the car pull to the right instantly. The EVO then hit the rear corner of a parked car (the parked car had very little damage). No airbags went off, no one was hurt.

Now the question is, how did this happen? The only educated guess that I can come up with at this moment is that the wheel had a STRESS FRACTURE/HAIRLINE CRACK from a previous POTHOLE/Bad road experience. It then just snapped without warning after the fracture gave up.

XXRs are the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL kind of wheels. They are only $500 brand new. Tell me what you think could have possibly happened? This accident could have been A LOT WORST. She could have been on the highway, she could have hit incident bystanders, a biker, etc.

I already know what the FAKE WHEEL lovers are going to say -> “B.S, she probably hit a pothole at 70MPH and BS’ed the story”, etc etc =D. As long as ONE person can walk out of this thread and never get FAKE wheels again, I will have made a difference because that person could be DEAD one day from their XXR’s going KABOOOOOM.