November 15, 2011, 7:42pm
My FRIEND bought these wheels to use for the winter with snow tires. She been them NEW-used someone bought them and never used them and resold to her) for dirt cheap. At 4AM Saturday night, she was going 35-ish MPH down a 1 lane street. Everything happened in a matter of seconds. The best I can describe what happened is the following:
Car is going straight down the road. The road did not have any pot holes, the driver was not under the influence of any drugs/alcohol. In a split second, the right front passenger side wheel collapsed and made the car pull to the right instantly. The EVO then hit the rear corner of a parked car (the parked car had very little damage). No airbags went off, no one was hurt.
Now the question is, how did this happen? The only educated guess that I can come up with at this moment is that the wheel had a STRESS FRACTURE/HAIRLINE CRACK from a previous POTHOLE/Bad road experience. It then just snapped without warning after the fracture gave up.
XXRs are the BOTTOM OF THE BARREL kind of wheels. They are only $500 brand new. Tell me what you think could have possibly happened? This accident could have been A LOT WORST. She could have been on the highway, she could have hit incident bystanders, a biker, etc.
I already know what the FAKE WHEEL lovers are going to say -> “B.S, she probably hit a pothole at 70MPH and BS’ed the story”, etc etc =D. As long as ONE person can walk out of this thread and never get FAKE wheels again, I will have made a difference because that person could be DEAD one day from their XXR’s going KABOOOOOM.
EVO IX vs. Fake Wheels = One FREAKED up CAR - EvolutionM - Mitsubishi Lancer and Lancer Evolution Community
So the other night in downtown albany I saw these lights in the sky and I swear to god it was a UFO
Oh shit no it wasnt, actually I was just driving for miles and miles with loose wheel lugs and all of the sudden I crashed for no reason at all.
SO the craziest thing happened the other day I was just driving on this brand new road, with brand new (newly used) wheels and all of the sudden it was lik KABOOOM and this happened to my wheel
I think it means I have a bad tire
but then last week my buddy was doing the same thing
He said he was doign 18mph !!! WAT THE HELLZ
that happened to my grandma’s wheel, BBS legit too
ohmygawd what a mystery !