have you ever wanted a set of ccw classics but not multipiece...

Justify the price difference to me. I can easily classify the savings for nearly identical product and result.

Oh and real clever language reference there as your punctuation is off in your run-on sentence. Classy.

honestly you are being very hypocritical. To nitpick the ccw’s by saying they have “more sunken bolts” mean while the xxr’s dont have any bolts at all yet they are the blatant knock off. And you go on to defend CCW by saying “only so many ways you can make a mesh wheel” but then when XXR makes a similar mesh wheel it’s a knock off?

yea i don’t use proper punctuation on the internet, don’t care, call me out on it if you want. you still can comprehend what i’m saying either way. and if you can’t see why there is a price difference already then i’m not gonna try to explain it to you because you are never going to get it. i know how long you have been in the car game, you’re not new…and i could also argue that not being a run on sentence but yea not even gonna go there.

i was busting on vlad with that one. sorry i didn’t use the sarcasm brackets. and i’ve already explained what i would respond to the rest of your post with so just read what i have said already.

Hey language user, I didnt say explain the price difference, I said justify.

Product visually is near identical, does identical function in a damn similar fashion and produces nearly identical results for a fraction of the price.

What do I get for X times the price, especially when a replacement wheel is about $100 for this?

to justify the price difference you would have to explain why their is a price difference and why the more expensive one is worth the extra amount of money. seriously vlad?

I don’t need to know what goes into a computer to make it twice is fast, I just need to know that it’s faster, which is measurable for the price difference.

If one car has double the horsepower of another one, I don’t care how I just know that that I get double the power for the money.

What measurable difference do these wheels get for the price increase?

If it’s such night and day difference between the two, surely there must be some clear, measurable difference. Half as light? Double better looking? Twice the gold shine? Better nutswinger crowd? Faster? Street cred?

However if the only difference that will be observed in the real world is that CCW was blessed by Shaolin monk on top of Fiji mountain, no thanks I’ll pick the cheaper option and replace it if need be.

I’m not arguing that CCW isn’t a better wheel, it is. But price spike justifiably better? I don’t think so. You rarely see two products so similar have such a price difference without a clear cut difference such as ball bearing turbo vs journal or like.

Edit: yes, seriously.

CCWs can have parts replaced as needed (ie. inner/outer barrel, face) due to it’s 3pc design, where most likely on the XXR jumpoff, you’ll have to replace the entire wheel.
I like most of what CCW has to offer, and it’s always nice that they are completely made in America, which as we all know will increase the price of it as well (think of the BS arguments in the Occupy Wallstreet thread).

While a valid point, I have a feeling that replacing 1 piece of the CCW costs as much as one wheel of XXR jumpoff. ~$100

If I recall correctly Boxersix Adam was mentioning something that CCW would not have the machine to make their wheels entirely and they outsourced some part of process to a major brand in Japan, however that’s just something I remember vaguely.

Some other wheels you’ve considered yourself that look awfully familiar (as I’ve searched for the quote from Adam)


Fikse Profil 10:


J-Line SDMrl2


Everybody and their mother has a variation of that wheel design.

Even my E30 had that style stock wheel IIRC.

I fail to see your point with talking about the types of wheels I like?

You dont see the point because there was none. It was more of a reference, there was no point in your style of wheels, just the fact that I stumbled on more designs from other brands.

Triflin ass *****.

Mesh wheels <3

One right here sir, although not a honda :rofl

All reasoning aside, if you’d rather rock a fake Rolex, you’d rather rock a fake Rolex. Simple as that. $50 vs. $5,000. Is the extra $4,950 a measurable difference? Different strokes for different folks. Some people have standards and pride in the products they purchase, others just care they have a watch. Some care they have a watch that appears to be of higher quality then it is. Others like their fake watch (see what I did there?) because it looks good and is inexpensive and have no knowledge or care about what a real Rolex is. Some people just want a watch that tells the time. And some people care about who made the watch and the time and passion that went into it. Some people like the novelty of an authentic watch and don’t have a single other reason.

Personally, I’d rather not have a watch if it’s fake. I can already see the responses to this (“but you need wheels, you don’t need a watch!”) and the parallels people will try to disprove.

Also, there are MANY wheels that are “replicated”, or I should say inspired rather, by legitimate companies. Most of the time these are discontinued wheels or mag race wheels that cannot be run on the street. They are NOT wheels replicated just to be made in a significantly cheaper way in a 1pc variation. This part does turn into a gray area because there are only so many ways to design a basic mesh wheel but the point is quality is not sacrificed.

At the end of the day it all depends on your personal preferences and who you want to support. I like to support the dudes who have a passion in the same things I do and want to make a respectable and quality product they can stand behind. Other people support the people who see a niche in the market to profit off selling cheap products by stealing popular designs from reputable companies and altering them enough to not infringe on copyrights.

My issue with the “buying cheap wheels hurts the original manufacturers” argument.

I’d love a brand new set of volks or wedsports or something, but its not likely to happen. If I did buy a set of “good” wheels, I’d probably just buy them used in decent shape for a similar cost to a set of cheap wheels. Since they have already been purchased from the manufacturer by someone else, my money isn’t going there anyways.

I really doubt a lot of people are cross shopping brand new CCW’s and brand new XXR’s. Maybe used CCW’s and brand new XXR’s, but there is just way too much of a cost difference to hit the same customers.

Fuck it, I’ll probably just stick to various OEM wheels.

Not trying to be a dick, but didn’t you say in your wheel FS thread that you had -$40 or some shit in your bank account?? Might be time to stop rocking some tight legit wheels…

Exactly how I feel, great post. If you don’t get it, you don’t get it. Simple as that. I’m done in this thread, you can beat this horse to death and I just don’t have the time or energy.

I would rather buy a used set of Volks/Work wheels for $1500 than spend $1000 on xxr’s with tires.

facts. Someone buying a fiero w/ a ferarri kit was never going to buy a ferarri.:lol But nah, I agree for the most part. My only thing is back in the day or in other countries that value quality, people just save up for the real deal, stick with their oems, or go enkeis or something similar. In this day and age, people are value shopping and it’s tough for a normal person to justify the real deal. I just always thought a car enthusiast would want the real deal and the shit storms were for the ricers.

You’re not being a dick. These are facts. lmao But really I can still pay my bills, it just means a weekend or two of not going out to the bars. That has more to do with my addiction to wheels and my undying need to buy wheels when they are an amazing deal. lol I got mad liquid assets son

Thanks for taking it the way I intended it. I wanna buy crazy shit sometime too but just don’t have the balls to pull the trigger. Wife+child+mortgage own me :slight_smile:

I hear you. Thats one of the main reasons I splurge on things for myself while I still can and daily drive a car thats a static inch off the ground.:slight_smile: I doubt I will be able to do this stuff in a few years