Anyone use an antenna to get extra HD channels? I get 2, 4, 6, and 7 in HD over the air. Would adding an antenna help pickup more channels?
i built my own antenna out of shit laying around and get amazing signal …
What’s 6???
An antenna might get you 17, 23,29, and 49. Maybe CBC (5) too if the signals there.
A good ‘HD’ antenna is a good idea, since theyre only $40 and are generally ascetically pleasing, somewhat. Trex has a nice unit for about $40.
I just throw a piece of wire on the floor and it works fine. You dont really need a HD antenna, or any antenna at all. Just dont try to pick up analog channels with a shitty antenna…
I think I get 5 HD channels off the air, but I didnt check since the last power outage a few months ago.
pickup more hd channels?
If youre using a antenna thats at least one of those standard rabbit ears, youre probably going to get all the HD channels you can get. But it depends on how hot the tuner in your TV is. Check with different TV’s in your house and see how many they get?
Go to and throw up a screen shot of the signal graph so we know where we’re starting. Also what part of town are we talking about, and what equipment are you using currently?
I designed this one in 2000. It works well and is cheep look around I know had them for $40 or so.
Either a 8-bay or yagi type uhf antenna mounted outside should get you cbc 5.1, cfto 9.1 is a bit trickier. What is your current television/tuner?
I looked in the garage and don’t have any more in there, I must have given the last one away. I had 30 from the first production run.
The price I posted above seems to be the best. You can look here too
Do a search for posts by jays with the word OTA.
This has been discussed many times.
Make your own!
disclaimer: No idea how well it works, but it should work.
If you are really interested, I could sell you one and aim/install it for $110. Or if you buy your own I would install it for $60.
LOL that’s the one i made and it works really well. I don’t watch enough TV in general to make cable or buying an antenna worth it so i made this one day i was bored
That DIY antenna will work well, even about 40 miles out, unless you have multi-path (ghosting) DTV signals do not do well with multi-path. That is why the one I designed is a yagi with a parabolic reflector that covers the receiving element from above as well as the back. (that was the bit that got me the patent)
If you need an indoor antenna the Silver Sensor works very well.