header wrap

allright, so i have this lovely set of headers for my Dakota that need to be put on. but i need to buy header wrap for them first. theres a deal on ebay right now where its a 2"x15’ roll for $12 and shipping is $10. they guy has multiple rolls available and will ship any additional ones free. so my question is, do u think i need 2 or do u think 1 would do the truck? i kno its hard to tell without actually seeing the headers, but they are short tube. alos, if any1 wants to voulenteer to help me wrap the, that would rock cuz ive never don this and am totally clueless. thanks

uhh, bump?

Any idea of the tube lengths you are dealing with? You say they are short tube but that means different things for different vehicles. Diameter of the tubing also is a factor. I’m guess 1 5/8"

well… buying more can never hurt… atleast it’s better than buying too little (besides, it’s only another 12.00):slight_smile: :tup: I’ll give ya a hand if you want… shoot me a PM

tell ya what, order the second one, and if ya dont use it PM me all ill give ya $15 for it to cover your troubles

^^ deal

just PM me if you dont end up using it

so i fianlly go this stuff, and tried doing it. i got 1 pipe done and it came out like absolute shit. has any1 ever done this? any pointers? if ya feel so inclined to come over and help me out, that would be even better

yea i think get it wet first?

6 exactly, ya gotta get it soaked first so it is plyable, then once you wrap it and use hose clamps to hold it, it will dry up and ticken up nicely