Heads up for tonite...careful driving

just was informed that there should be a few DWI check points setup tonite, with the SLA still in town.

No you shouldnt be drinking and driving in the first place, but I still thought i’d share the info since people do make mistakes.


do they check licences at dwi checks?

Normally No, But they can if they want to further investigate you.

yo the cops are swarming today. Especially in West Nucca

You just gave yourself up… LOL

wtf is the SLA?

and also… Like you said… it’s better not to drink and drive ANY night… not just this one.

I second the wtf is SLA?

cops have been EVERYWHERE lately. on the way back from Canada last night, we pulled over in OP cause a girl had to throw up because she drank to much. next thing I know there are 2 cops around us, 1 in front and 1 behind the jeep we were in. it’s a good thing that my friend kristen (the girl who drove) was DD and didnt drink. they made her take a breathalizer test, which she passed. then they let us go.

SLA = state liquor authority.

i wouldnt never EVER have a sip of alcohol before driving my car, i have too much invested in it to do anything stupid to endanger it…or my license…so i’m not worried…just hope they dont harass me for my exhaust, which i’m beginning to realize is a lot louder than i thought when i first got it on lol

Just a “lot”?

lol i can keep it quiet if i try, but as soon as i get on it…well, you heard it earlier on a few of my fly-by’s i’m sure…

but i never said that i was unhappy with it :pimp:

Brandon and I saw you at Transit and Broadway today (we were coming out of Walgreens). Car sounded good

bump for troof

5.0 out in force in the STs. stay safe with it.

yah I seen so many people pulled over tonight, crazy

ya once again like someone said SLA=state liquor authority, I didnt see any checkpoints and I came all the way from downtown last nite 90-400 got off and transit and went to louies then back to my apartment in West Seneca.

heyy better safe than sorry, just wanted to give a heads up to everyone.

thank you :smiley:

and when? at what walgreens? and did i really get on it…or did i pussy on by?