Heavy duty saran wrap

Anyone able to or know anywhere to get heavy duty saran wrap? Looking for something a little stronger than your everyday household wrap. Basically something that will be a pain in the ass to remove from a car. So if you happen to have any layin around or know someone who does I would gladly come and take it off your hands. Thanks.

try BJ’s or any restaurant supply store

You need the shrink wrap warehouses use for shipping pallets…

We use pallet wrap, it doesn’t shrink but it stretches. Shrink wrap requires heat. How much were you looking for and what are you going to do with it?

Pallet wrap would be perfect. I’m basically looking for a heavy duty plastic wrap to cover an entire car a few times over. Since I don’t wanna spend a lot of money the cheaper the better. Something thicker than everyday household type seran wraps.

lol you know Nora will be pissed if you do this to her car

hahaha. probably but luckily its not for her. my buddy thought it would be funny to fuck with my friends car so he has this coming.

go to advance and steal some

Its like 5 bucks at any UHaul rental store.

Just curious, can I ask why you are doing this? if it is for storage, keep in mind plastic seals in moisture which is your worst enemy. I also have dessiccant, maybe I should sell car storage kits. lol.

rub vaseline all over the car before applying the wrap. win.

just buy condoms!

Please post pics of the aftermath. Thanks.

Word! Plus pour bags of flour on it once it is wrapped.

lolz @ thinking it’s for a legit reason blueeyeddevil


We used to do this in high school before the day ended… Reactions are priceless.

i did this before to my friend when he was drunk haha, i have a pretty bit roll of pallet wrap i’d be willing to lend out, send me a pm and ill be more than happy to contribute :slight_smile:

hahaha it actually has to do with condoms. my friend fucked with my other friendw car with condms ao were planning on wrapping his car and attatching a note saying something along the lines of dont be a fool wrap your tool and attatch a condom. he doesnt know we know it was him so he has no idea this is coming. he sometimes doesn’t lock his car either so were gettin the inside too.

ya get pallet wrap. that shit is nuts and will be a bitch to get it off.

HOLY FUCK!!! :banghead:

Hey thanks for pointing that out. lol