Hedburgh quotes


If if you don’t know, now you know…

Fucking awesome

+1309481209438120938 Karma for you. Seriously.


lol the first quote i got was the appliance naming institute and the button says refresher instead of refresh…when i heard he died i thought it was just a bad joke cause of when it happen (april 1st)

king of the one liner.

mitch was one of the funniest guys ever

escalators never break, they just temporarily become stairs

would you like a frozen bannana?..no but ide like a warm bannana later.

Bananas are the opposite of traffic lights. with a traffic light yellow means go and green means wait. with a banana green means wait and yellow means go. a red traffic light means stop, but a red banana means “where the fuck did you get that banana”


lol yea i fucked up. i was just trying to remember those, they werent written anywhere

although i noticed a few mistypings on that site that f’ed up the joke (like made it not make sense)

haha i was gonna put that one down, but i would have fucked up the wording too so i just went with the easy bannana one isnstead.

“2-in-1 is a bullshit term, because 1 is not big enough to hold 2. That’s why 2 was created. If it were 2-in-1 it would be overflowing. The bottle would be all sticky and shit…”

" If you wanna talk to me after the show…ill be fuckin amazed."