heh, girl gets flamed joining Homemadeturbo

I saw this pic and exploded. lol

Meh those kids are fags, seems as if that shit just went sour for no particular reason…

I’m trying to decide whats worse, them or the guys on viper alley…

EDIT: How sad, seems as if the “Highest Horsepower” cars on that site only make like 200-250whp LOL…

those kids are retarded thers a post somehwer on there where a kid was making ic piping out of a gutter.

Hey, at least they got some noods… Not quality, or desireable, but they are there! Props for that. Otherwise, :tdown:

ahahahahahahahahahahahaha that was so great to read first thing in the morning when i got to work. i havent stopped laughing. that girl is just going to hate her life now. and sorry for anyone that cares but hell she set her self up for that. and it was 100% full of greatness. lol

Yeah, she did set herself up, and yeah I think it’s funny that she got ripped on. I’m just surprised at how pussy some people have become bec. of internet forums. Everyone just says whatever they want, and it’s funny bec. half the people that pop all that shit are probably genuine pussies.

I mean, keep ragging on her, I have no pity for her at all, it’s just amazing how generations change.

you no whats funny is probably half the people that do make fun of her are probably sad individual that are either fat/ugly/stupid/ or couldnt get a decent girl if there life depended on it. but because there faces arent the ones being posted they still can talk shit. still very funny though

good lord that was brutal - thats coming from me :frowning:

thank you, doctor phil.


ya. the lack of maturity is pathetic… but none the less, those PS’s are funny

Yeah, that’s pretty much my point.

Yes Locotus, they are funny…

Now how…does that make…you feel?


Fucking scary how much the internet age is skewing kids idea of acceptable social behavior. Not even just kids. I’m a really nice guy and sometimes I even turn into a big arrogant prick on here.

Oh well. It will all work out. Computers are just a fad.


nice my ass!

Fuck you asshole!!! I’m a really nice guy! I’ll fucking kill you!



those fools are jerks though… if i was on that forum I would be embarrassed for it… didn’t a mod on there start ripping into her too?

meh, im just interested in how they got nudes

guys, its time to take it to pm’s… seriously

For real…I’m embarassed by some of the shit on this forum, haha. Rarely, though, as there’s a lot of really decent people on here, but man, there’s a few real fucking morons on here too!

i didn’t see no nudezzzz

OMG i see what you did there…you quoted them…BUT CHANGED THE QUOTE.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA…god ur too funny

now that is clever.


<3 :stuck_out_tongue: