heh, girl gets flamed joining Homemadeturbo

80% of the guys talking shit and probably most of the guys on this site wouldn’t turn her down, IRL.

I am far from being a ladies man but fuck, I’d NEVER hit that.


I did it too - god I am funny, just like Locutmyself.

wait, it’s not funny!!!

the majority of this thread talks shit and puts people down…

public forums are fucking gay :slight_smile:

but entertaining at work

i have dont have very high standards but gaaawwd dayummmm

OK, this girl seems like she is actually interested in cars. Yet, everyone on a CAR forum just goes and bashes her because she’s not hot. Who gives a fuck if she’s not hot? Were you hoping you could help her with her car and score? The girl sounds like she’s more interested in cars and performance more than 70% of the people on this board in itself. I hope all the people posting shit about her feel better about themselves. People are pathetic. Stop reading and posting negativity and fucking build something to brag about.

:tup: the virtual hefners need a punch in the mouth

skunk, every time i bumped your “look at skunk” thread you cried to the mod staff. when i pick on someone else, you cry to me and say “jon pick on me again”

oh jon…ur just a silly goose… thats all

I started feeling bad reading that.
Mostly because it was unwarranted.

so was the sex with her that good?
who took it in the ass first? :gay2:

Agreed, it’s pretty fucking pathetic how some people behave, whether it’s on real life or sitting behind a computer. I am baffled that people actually can get into the forum life (as I call it) so heavily. GUARANTEED they’re absolute pussies in person.

And, I agree with you Muscle50 that those d bags need a punch or three…


Look! It’s another person trying to fit in on the internet. Btw, you failed.

I mean what they did is like the retarded kid licking on the fat kid, but… those are some boobs I really did not want to see.