Heidi VS Loren Conrad


i have an old clutch and flywheel…


i just realized u have the same initials as lauren conrad. :eek3 shes hot! any relation?

haha…no…but i would love to fuck her!!

yes but id much rather slay Hedi Montag


ok who copied whos sig?

i made rays sig a few months ago. so ryan is the loser in that one.

i dont like her…

Your sig making skills are terrible :lol :tongue

it works. it was done on flickr(photo site, with supplied photo). sorry i dont sit at home all day and make internet forum signatures. :banghead

Well, you sit home all day, you just dont make sigs :rofl

You go to work this week? I did :banana

you know how I know your gay?

cause he drive a supra?

no i dont sit at home all day, thanks. ive been quite busy this week actually. thats beside the point… lets get OT again

i like LC better…that is all…i would still do dirty things to heidi!!!






holy shit!!! first pic is AMAZING!!!


Ehh E I know you got better

hey ray… how come you didnt stop out at brians the other night?

well yes but

  1. Im at work
  2. This is work safe