Hell w/ Snakes on a plane,I had a Coon in my pool today!!!!!!!!!

I drained the pool a few weeks back so I could paint the botton of it.I left the doors open to it(it’s indoor) to air out nice and since it rained last night,I checked to see if any blew in at all.I look in and there is a raccoon in the bottom of it!!! I knocked on the glass and he just kind of tried to look up and and just put his head back down.So I opened the door and went in there and he just kind of looked at me like a lost puppy.I threw some bread in there and nothing just kind of sat there.call the animal control ppl on G.I. and they had a trapper come out.In the mean time we tried coxing him up a 2X6 w/ the pool skimmer and he just kind of sat there.We could pet him w/ it nudge him and he never hissed or anything.
The trapper guy had a noose thing and just slipped it around his neck and put him in a crate.He had a little blood on the top of his head and figured he got hit by a car.The whole time he was really calm but wouldn’t let go of the noose thing once he was in the crate.Acted like it was someone’s pet or somthing.
The guy said he would keep an eye on him for a few days to see if he was okay,if not he would have to put him down.
Hope the lil guys ok.

Woah, that’s wierd how it just didn’t really react…

it did you just didnt see it happen i would go get a rabies shot now… but i had an experience with a coon and trust me you were pretty ballzy by nudging it but yeah, lets hope the little guy is doing good and digging through your trash within the next few days.

whoah…you really need to fix the title of this thread lol…

Wow, that is really wierd that it was just chilling there.

yeah, change it to 'coon. lol the other way (without the apostrophe) is damn near racist!

.He had a little blood on the top of his head and figured he got hit by a car.

fucker. when you see a SHO whistling get the hell out of the way. probably not the same one i hit because the one i hit got ran over by both tires.

they be n1ggas in y0 poo?

When we used to get coons in our pool momma would just shoo 'em away with a broomstick