Hello All

Lost in confuion>?

i hate you all because i’m still here for another 15 minutes :lol:

I was workin dam hard, I had to pull out my phone to post that…which is the extent of what I did today…besides throw some vag goo at jay lol

oh yea…and hit some golfballs at the range on lunch…yea localnet sucks hah

I did have to listen to shiftdead talk to less than smart people all day…that was fun I guess

p.s. skunk, ur car is gay!

Terrible example of a thread.

Your just upset that you were:

  1. Not invited on said shenanigans
    2)You don’t work at localnet (Your lucky)
    3)Did not go to the driving range on lunch.:lolsign:

yeah im about ready to get out of here. so anyone got any suggestions for jobs for driving that pays either the same or better than ln. or any jobs that pay more that i can get easy. lol this place just straight up sucks.

you suck. get back to work.

:word: he needs to be tied to his desk


I am trying to sleep over here! Keep it down!

guess what you are. your :gay:

but seriously gay car. who would ever want that engine.

here’s the dirty vag lover…

he just looks like a dirt vag. not a dirty vag lover

Edited for truth

Don’t make me walk over to sales and tell your gf your talking shit about her…

lol she would probably laugh. walk over here and ask. and if i said yes to “talking shit” it would probably get funny really quick with her actually going along with it and us playing a jk.


She would kick you in the balls like I instructed her to do yesterday.

here is the picture from the last time she did it

hahahahaha wow that must hurt. but no she would probably just get a serious face, start questioning me, i would probably go along with it getting her more mad. then break the news saying no, really i wasnt talking shit. then she would just laugh and call me an ass hole, giving me a laugh for a few minutes then back to my miserable self when i am at crap net


something like this

the dirty vag that he likes