Hello from the Motherland

Yeah, I am a dumbass for going here when it’s cold as fark out (usually around -5C all day all night), but it’s still great fun and I get to see tons of cool shit. Luckily I speak the language fluently so it makes things even better/easier. First time here in 20 years…DAUMN…




nice…have fun

:cool: More pics when you get a chance.

Val come home before they know your there and throw you in the Army!!! :eek:

We need you more than they do!

SleeperGTP wearing glasses and 5 inches shorter :eek:

that’s pretty f’n cool. but yeh, that picture looks like it’s been photoshopped. i know it’s not, but still…

Это выглядит Довольно Холодным там!

where is that, moscow?

bring back porn:bigthumb:

Not even close:squint:

i see where your coming from… but that kid isnt chugging a beer and starting a fight so it cant be devin:crying:

That would be the “Red Square”, and the building is there senate building.

really cool. have fun!


Liberty bell what? :LOL:


Inside the Kremlin church:


A big $$$ mall on the other side of red square:


Red Square:


very nice


Incredible Val! Stay warm-- lots of Vodka and a Russian cutie. :kiss: