hello there

hi im meg…i just moved out into the pittsburgh area for a travel nursing position. i drive a jazz blue 20th anniversary gti with a few little mods :angel: here is a pic of the car…



thats one of my favorite blues.


here we go.

nice AW name

sorry if you have a problem with it, its the same one ive used since i bought the car twos years ago, and many of my friends know me by this so i choose not to change it

ok :smiley:


posted wrong pic…

pic with you on car!!!

Pirate hooker



Welcome. What part of the burgh do you live in?

welcome :slight_smile:

i live in the north hills

i dont have pics of me on my car…sorry for the disappointment but here is me


Whats done to your car beautful?

man now my head hurts. I kinda feel off the chair

Down leg humpers

Welcome :slight_smile:

hey… i met this broad in giant eagle… :naughty:


i bet i can find more pics, but it will cost you guys.

we are not all tree hugging hippies!!! please dont get that impression if the first perosn you met was sonny!!

penny and a beer