
pics of what? me??

sorry but we just met…

it’s not like your car is anything special anyways :wink:

I know…just a 350z. a dime a dozen.

or just google “420z-tt”. I’m sure you’ll find enough info…


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You’re right:

I know that a large chunk of you reading this article are thinking the same thing I was when I first saw this Nissan 350Z – “Oh no… not another 350Z.” It’s painfully obvious that the Z is the most popular platform in the industry right now

Nice Z man. I saw some youtube videos etc while at work… but Lambo doors???

lol yup. always wanted them back during my ricer days. Just fulfilling dreams one at a time. :smiley:

^ricer with 7 sub-woofers

^with no worries of power loss…:A

totally. I ain’t rice. Everything is functional for performance purposes. The subs are in the back for traction, and because it’s round, the power re-circulates back into the engine. Also, the subs are so strong, the WAKE UP the battery, providing more juice to run my high boost levels. It’s all a secret technology developed by NASAWTFBBQ…which is a higher form of NASA created by the government to exterminate aliens.

thanks. it’ll be featured in the Jan. issue of DSport Magazine too…available on newstands next week.

Also on the cover of the current issue of Nissan Sport Mag.

Also currently still on the cover of Jtuned.

welcome to the boards. ive been drooling over your car way back in june when i first saw your car on the jtuned website. i also asked church about your car. very nice piece of machinery. wanna trade for a gtr, ill even throw in a 240sx coupe for you? :smiley:

lol thanks guys.

^you still havent accepted or declined my offer! lol. 89 gtr and 90 240sx coupe for alyssa. :smiley:

P.S. im asking santa claus to make this wish come true. lol.

lol no thanks…got my own GTR coming :smiley:

hahaha that post made my day

welcome to the boards, and you wouldn’t want assass1n’s skyline anyway, its had the motor clap, and still maybe contagious haha

pfff poser…

+1 poser/ricer

Now let’s see some real stuff eh? none of the ricer crap!