
Just introducing myself. My name is Mike and I live in Cheektowaga right now. Some people might know me from other sites, so hello to old friends and I look forward to meeting some new people too.



hello. where in cheektowaga?

Thanks for the greets…I live on Strasbourg right now. Across from Wilson Farms on French Rd.

do you drive a diesel, is your name vin diesel, or do you wear diesel clothing? or do you just like the word diesel?

He is Deisel. Shawn Michaels bodyguard. Who later broke “The Giant’s” neck from a powerbomb gone bad.

lol whaddap mike


hahaha at jack welcome mr deisel

Sigh. You have no idea how many times i’ve been asked exactly ^ . It was my nickname way back in the day and I do have one Diesel t-shirt. And btw, it is spelled “diesel”.

Sup Howie, haven’t seen you in awhile!! :wave: gotta get some brews soon…

Hola. What’s your whip?

Recently bought a 2005 Cadillac CTS. Might look for something a little sportier next season.