New name...

LXTASY was my previous name, and was at one point in time a personalized plate on my Mustang when I was living in Minnesota. Those days are long gone, so I thought I’d use the name that I use on other forums, Mike93.

If you can’t figure it out, I’m Mike…and the two cars I happen to own are '93 models.

I look forward to more retarded posts from new members, more valuable posts from the DIY crew, and the ongoing ball busting from the rest of the people here.

:wave: you new here?

Holla :tup:

this is going to be hard to remember…

I met you at regal, transit right?

i know way too many mikes.

I think I see the SHO on the 400 almost every day.

so… u like men in tights? pm me.

HOLLA!! Now update your shoebox thread :burnout:

hayyyy buddy

880 posts and a join date of 2005:)

I think you’ll manage, you seem smart enough. I think it was when 300 was in IMAX, and yes, we met then. I’m suprised you remembered!

Ah yes, the daily commute to work. What are you driving? I should clean my car up a bit, didn’t realize people were taking notice:(

PM sent!!! JK…I made a comment about Riverdance like 10 months ago and I still have this sweet custom title. I pm’d Howie about it, he siad I need to do something out of the ordinary to get it changed…

Seriously, right? I was going good up until mid June when the weather started to break. I’m shooting for this weekend to be the attempt to get her fired:eekdance: I told my dad I hope he wasn’t too attached to his rear tires, because welp, I’m a 'Merican and I like to do burnouts.


so is the post "something out of the ordinary " or the name?

It looks clean when I see it. I work in b-lo so seems were always going opposite ways. I drive a green gtp coupe, stock wheels with tint.

Did you change my custom title???

I’m not sure what you mean???

Sounds sleeperish…I’ll keep a look out and toss a wave if I see ya.


hows the build for your dad coming?

What up Paulo! The '55 is getting there…I REALLY hope to start putting some miles on this thing soon. There should be some pics in the link in my sig.

Any chance your going to do another photoshoot??? I’d like to get some nice shots for him with the car all done up. Did you ever get any use out of that engine stand???

We can definitely set something up. PM me when your ready.

The engine stand I finished with last week. I’ll be making a thread within the next few days to pass on the generosity to another NYSpeed member. :tup:

Hey new Mike93.

Word. I figured it would help people adjust.

I think the sig did a good enough job :stuck_out_tongue:
