Who drives.....

A white 99-04 Mustang GT with Euro’s and a scratched to hell rear bumper?

Just curious if there was a user on here with this car.

He’s on here. User name LZ. It’s an '02.

Kid is an asshole.

Send him a message.

why do u like him :gay3:

yep LZ’s car


What about my fucking car?


Thats LZ

Dudes a serious asshole

He frequents mighty just to do some heaters then dash. No one knew it was him until they noticed the hint of red.

like a 12 year olds period… not too much on the white tampon

bro, you better be careful how you speak about LZ on the forum.

consider yourself warned.

Sooo what about him? Whats the story?

lets just say hes got alot of shit comin too him :snky:

confused? and what the fuck is the deal w/ that dood posting this thread in the 240 thread, and the 240 thread in here?!

lol thats what i said, maybe he got confused and thought we were talkng about the same car

C’mon man, you can’t say that and leave out the story! Let’s here it!


anyone with the personality and lifestyle that would ever actually get down and do something like that wouldn’t ever say that… and I doubt there are any intelligent exceptions


story or ban…

are you around the walden/transit area a bit? Pretty sure I see the car alot

That LZ kid is serious business.

I’d watch your back.

What kind of shit is commin too him? Your shit or someone elses? Dog shit maybe?? Did you actually plan on shitting on him or maybe just throw some shit at him and run? Are you going to involve this shit cause your angry? or is it some sick fetish you have? C’MON MAN! DETAILS!!

why do i think lz moved away :gotme: or did i drop the ball