
:bowdownyea woo lets all go to the lot tomorrow night!

I’d love to punch you in the dick

meet me there and do it man tehehe :haha


aw c’mon it was just starting to go back up

Your dad let me borrow his imaginary .50 cal, I’ll have my scope trained on the lot all night tomorrow

Daddy said he needs his car tomorrow night, your fucked

i mistook his .50 cal for a stick of peperoni…

ok enough with the “your daddy’s car” lol. its clearly my car i paid for it and i pay insurance. it just happens to be in my fathers name becuase we never got around to going to the dmv

You don’t pay for shit

i clearly pay for alot of things lol

heeereeee we goo!

Thought this boner was in jail getting more of the same


you guys have to admit, i brought a shitload of traffic to this forum and alot of people joined on my behalf

bwahahahahahahahahaha…who dose this kid think he is…Travis ?

i dont normally correct on spelling… but cmon… dose??? its does

Hey im no English major so i do not care

yeah, a bunch of useless idiots. Thanks.

whata jerk off