Help Anyone?

Hi, i was just wondering if their is anyone here that would mind teaching me a few things about 240’s, including engine, body, electrical, etc… PM me if you think you can help and we can talk on msn? thx to anyone who can help.

best thing to do is get a nissan manual if you can, or one of those Haynes manuals at canadian tire. if anything, there is a lot of info on this site…use the search function.

hands-on experience is the best knowledge, and knowing your own car is always better than someone else knowing it.


Well, im really just wanting some info about 240’s really cause im currently saving for one and im just looking for someone to talk to about different things and what not if you get what im saying kinda?

what kind of information are you looking for?

well im just looking for information like engine parts, basically what certain things do and what you can do to improve/fix them(injectors, front and rear lights,) , repair tips, um… how-to’s kinda things like cold air intake, kinda do it yourself mods, hmm what else, i dunno how to put it really. really anything i can do once i get a 240sx, and anythign i can do to it myself and things i should know i guess. if that helps any?