HELP ASAP...need asap... 3gpp2 convert

does anybody have a program that successfully converts 3gpp2 files into avi or wmv files so i can burn on a DVD…important… need help within 30minutes for legal issues… 3gpp2 are cell phone video files

help is appreciated


in for a detailed followup…

assuming you aren’t going to jail…

then in for post-sentence detailed followup.


newyas its sumtin to do wit my cousin, some personal issues, not need to be discussed,

google super video converter, it’s from eightright software

ahh yes. personal issues. got it.

then yeah, +1 for Super, works like a charm, very straightforward.

Their website is pretty ugly, so here’s a direct link to the download

thank you guys, i used the avs for you

heh, i actually just switched to super. avs4you leaves a watermark in the middle of the vid unless you register it and such. and super has tons of cool features that avs4you doesn’t. avs4you seems to have a “prettier” interface though.