Help Building a new computer *** FREE MONEY***

ok so i was on new egg…

and I’m thinking dual core amd 939 on a board that supports pci express with a gig of ram, 256MB pci-e video and a power supply

anyone want to build this for me online and find the best combo :wink:

Also can i run a 32 bit OS on 64 bit architecture?

and if i end up buying your setup, ill pay pal you 5.00. and you ask, why should i care about 5.00, well thats a shake at taffy’s, thats why.


yes 32 bit will run on 64, im running xp32 and 64 and both run great on my amd64.

wait wait wait the snky snky computron guy needs some to build him a rig? or are you just to busy [read: lazy] to research?

affidavits and meetings own me right now.

and i really really want to start playing warcrack soon

no you dont.

More RAM

if you want to think about running 64, More RAM

Raid 5 nugga, that will really juice your system up.


drives are cheep as hell, so someone find me a mobo that has raid 5 or a sata raid card FTW

if i were u, i would do some research and find out what the requirements for the new Windows (Windows Vista i think its called?0 will be. i kno some1 who got a beta copy of it, and the computer just idling (NO programs or processes running) uses 1 gig of ram for example. so i would bould your computer according to what the new Windows will require, because sooner or later u will porb want to upgrade to that.

just wait for WAR in another year, will blow WOW out of the water


and no more OT discussion. thanks.

I’m running vista and get around 500 or so megs usage at idle :stuck_out_tongue:

ok… I’m building this system right now for one reason only.

to run warcrack w/o lag.

obviously it would be stupid for me to buy something that was not upgradable… thats why im going with x64 architecture and pci-e… i can always up the ram.

Fuck it I’m bored…

Since I don’t know your ability level or desire to overclock I’ll go with one of these 2 boards:

If you want overclocking options:

Or just a basic inexpensive board:

So I guess we move on to the Processor:

Have to go with the Toledo core, those 1MB L2 cache is worth the extra $70:

So RAM, almost any will do, try these:

(there are slightly cheaper ones, but I have these so I happen to like them)

So video card, always my hardest decision, so one from each

From ATI:

and Nvidia:

Might want to give the Nvidia more consideration, since both of those motherboards support SLi

so power supply, needs at least 500W, so:

Yes it lights up and I know thats pretty gay but its got SATA and PCI-E and more than enough power for an SLi system:

find your own damn case.

For anti-lag reasons you’ll want to 2gigs of RAM…

I was on a 7800gt card, 64x processor and 1gig and still got the IF and SW lag pretty bad

Upgraded to a 2nd gig and bye bye lag!

lol Wheres the raid 5 and 4 gigs of ram?

hah 4 gigs of RAM can be done, but it only supports SATA RAID 0/1 :frowning:

anyone else or is fighin mike makin some easy money/???

also if i take ideas from you and and someone else YOU BOTH GET 5 DOLLA

no bigs,

ill take a mirror for redundancy any day… you don’t gain THAT much in speed with a RAID 5

Just get a RAID card.

dude, do u ever PROOF read your posts, i mean come on, this looks like a 3rd grader wrote this.