Help: digital camera

i got a new digital camera and it is shaweeeeeet…
im having a problem tho: the camera feature is really cool and when i plug it into my comp im surprised how good it looks…however it is .mpeg file…and imovie on my computer wont allow me to import mpeg (gayyyy)…so how can i import my digital camera movies into imovie???

open the image in MSPAINT or some other editor… then save as JPEG or something…

don’t know why stills would be in MPEG to begin with…

or you could change the settings on the camera… but you suck at examples.

:bloated:^^xamples? its not a still its a movie…pretty sure u cant save a movie as jpeg…needs to be .avi…how do i convert it

i use video edit magic, and after youve gone through and edited or at least added your movie to the timeline - go to top left- file - make movie … then it will automatically save a .avi -

try this or look for soemthing similar that says: convert media or soemthing

good edit…

cause it didn’t make sense.

haha pretty sure i only wrote it once and didnt edit, dont worry about it… thanks adam…i need to get a program that just simply converts mpeg to avi…didnt know computers couldnt do that already = gay

try downloading video edit magic - then get crack for it, or DL one with a crack - and you should be all set

or if you really need - swing by here and if you got firewire port on the cam or you use mini DV we can put it on my comp - then burn it to cd for you

just plug the camera into the your PC

goto my computer->camera and pick and choose which file you want to copy. (if I understand what your asking for)