HELP! Does anyone in the buffalo area own a 0bd2 integra gsr????

My cars not getting any spark and I need to see it its the dizzy or the ecu,

if anyone in the buffalo area has a obd2 gsr or car with that motor set up in it, or someone that has a dizzy or ecu laying around and could stop by so i could test them, Id really appreciate it and pay you for your time.

ohm out the dizzy to see if that is the problem

was it still worth the swap?

what about JLadowski or w/e his name is…he has the GSR in the EK hatch

didnt even think of him. Jake are you out there lol??

yea ill have to do that. And no it was not worth it in the end, with the time and money and aggravation this thing has cause me, I would rather drive a stock civic ex.

I should have just saved my money and bought one of the si’s that are for sale on here.

i dont think jake has a car to get to you anyways

but i haz a dizzy, dont know if its obd1 or obd2 tho

any vtec obd2 dizzy will work…

jakes car is not local anymore…its at a reletives house ready to get torn apart…and lee is in argentina…ya…
try biff/billy

biff lives near sunset and bills car is coverd in snow…good luck

even the one from my d16y8? I didnt think d series and b series are interchangeable, I know you can use a non vtec if you chop one of the arms off.

Ah ic lol, that would be why lees phones off. Biff an bills are both obd1

oya fuck me…
somones gotta have an ecu laying around…keep trying

o wow guys thanks for forgetting me!!! Dude if ya want il take mine out and we can try it. call me lmk

im like the only asshole around running a full obd2 gsr anymore haha.

fuck mines obd1 to sorry bro or id help ya

what is jake doing to his car?

…get an obd1 ecu and ill bring over my conversion harness you fucking bum.

if thats the case il help ya out to u can use my ecu. I didnt think a conversion harness was that easy…

yeah thats its

well then lets set somethin up

im working on my own car as is…if one of you booger pickers wanna come get my harness ill let you borrow it for a night