Help Finding Stunt Team

We may be putting on an event / party for Motorcyclists and would like to explore the option of having a “stunt” riding team. I heard there used to be a group called section 518 but don’t know how to get it touch with them or anybody else. If anybody can offer some help it would be appreciated.

who is we?


Yeah fat chance. Sorry new guy but you A: need to follow the directions on Shift, (AKA post in Whats new in Shift518, make a thread about yourself, name, cars/bikes, approx location… WHO YOU MIGHT KNOW HERE ALREADY AND/OR HOW YOU FOUND US…)

Honestly the guys who ride with/for them dont post on here, but many of us know many of the riders. But we arnt into handing out names and “evidence” to anyone just because they asked!

Until then, i plea da fif!




He is asking Prolly cause of the stunt convention in Syracuse soon . Don’t drive away yet lol