Help guys, I need some advice

Well, here’s the story. I have been dating this girl Jill for about four years now. She is pretty attractive and very flirty. Everything has always been great between us. However, within the last six months, I have been growing more and more suspicious of her. She hardly ever wants to do anything with me anymore, and she always wants to go out with her friends. Plus, she always acts real defensive if I ask her how her night was. One time I grabbed her cell phone to see what time it was, and she flipped out at me. Why would she not want me to pick up her cell phone? Hmmmm. Is she cheating on me?? After about a month of her being real shady, I decided to spy on her. Last night was the perfect set up. She was over my house, acting real weird. She didn’t want to talk or anything. I told her that I wasn’t feeling well, so she made plans to go out after she would leave my house. Anyway, since my girl doesn’t drive, she told me that her friend Kelly was going to pick her up. I was like cool, because she drives a real nice Audi. But my girl told me that Kelly’s car was in the shop, so she would be driving another car. Now that really got me suspicious. At around 10:30, I said I was going to bed, and I told Jill she could hang out and watch TV until “Kelly” picked her up at 11. So I went upstairs and pretended to go to sleep. About a half hour went by, and I saw a car park a few houses down from mine. My girl came up to my room to see if I was asleep, and I acted as if I was. So she went downstairs and outside to meet with the person in the car. I stealthily followed her out, I went out the back door. So I darted across my lawn to see what Jill would do when she met whoever was in that car. Now I was hiding behind my car, towards the back of it. I got myself in position to watch Jill as she approached the car. And wouldn’t you know it, a guy got out! As I was shaking my head, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that the passenger door on my Firebird had a small ding in it. I was so pissed! Does anyone know of a good paintless dent removal guy? Any advice on who I should go to is appreciated.

You want advice on dent removal or dating? :ugh:

post here nudes & some cliff notes!

wow that story had a real twist at the end…
i say you you stick it in her butt and pee then go get the dent removed

seen this joke posted before, funny

seen this on streetnstrip a few months back, pretty funny though

shag posted about tips being rusted on mustang but anyway good joke but :repost:

old as the interweb


sorry. thought i would try to get some laughs in.

the vast Pittspeed network of ubernerdage catches all of the funny that the internet has to offer. It was still kinda funny.

your girl’s a slut
