Help:LS1 misfire(FIXED)

this was the first bent/broken pushrod i’ve seen in an LS1. i know of a guy who had a little shifting problem this summer though :eek: …3x

yes i believe they didnt completely break in 2 pieces though, pretty crazy.

how did a dead cly not show up to someone scanning the car?

Funny thing is on vehicles the Gen III/IV engines a misfire is barely noticeable looking at the engine or seat of the pants sitting in the car. SBC, BBC, and Fords shake like crazy with one spark plug wire off. Not the case with LS cars and trucks

Sorry I must have missed the “pushrod broken in 2” DTC
fucking retard

i agree…
best way to tell is to load it up at low speeds and see whether it’s smooth or shaky

Thanks for the inquiry John. I can show you the log scans if you require.

Not to mention the thing was backfiring like a son of a bitch under decel.

:tup: to the “tuners” around here who rely on the computer to tell them what is wrong with the car. :cough:

I was thinking more of how the MAP, MAF showing data of a full 43.25 cubes not pumping.

Yeah, what does studderin know. The guy could dismantle and rebuild an LS1 car blindfolded.

Yeah I know a few people like that including myself thanks

lol… it seems to be the recent fad around the shop, fucking up pushrods…

as you can see one is bent, the other one has the ball missing off of the top… these are 2 out of about 5 bent/ broken PR’s that Z28addiction had in stock on his car after he shifted from 3rd to 2nd at WOT instead of 3rd to 4th. Chuck had his old ones IN STOCK and ready to go at the firechuck residence, and Jefferson was back on the road in no time.

Twice the cylinders, twice the drama eh?

Haha. Jk.

Took it out again today, drives like a charm. I flushed the coolant, changed the oil and got a new serp belt.


God the LS1 pissing contests friggin suck. More than one person in the area can build a decent LS1. Understand that for fucks sake. Useless banter in every fbod thread, including my own.

banter keeps us occupied while we wait for the updates to get in stock.