WOW thanks a ton guys! Thats sooo cool of you guys. I owe you guys big if i win this thing! keep em coming gang!
killer! now dont forget to look for the message in your mailbox, fill out the lil card and vote! For you guys with more than one email, you might have to make up a name for the extra emails. LOL> Thanks guys!
man if every one of those emails gets me a vote guys im gonna be illin!
cmon guys send em over!
man i hope you guys go through with these votes, all ya gotta do is make up some screen name and password youll probably never use again and thats it! hook me up guys so far i aint showing jack for all those emails sent in.-Jason FOR A FELLOW HOCKEY PLAYER, WHY NOT!!!
Who do you play for???
Sweet thanks guys! just dont forget to fill out the lil thingy and send it in!
JohnnyAZ-I play for a few differnent senior C teams from the Holiday Leisure league and one during the winter at Pepsi center.
wheres my fuckin email??? lol jk… but didnt get one yet…
Hmm weird. I resent it to your addy, if anyone else didnt get one please let me know so i can resend it the title in yoyr mailbox should be something like “jason terio has invited you to vot” or some crap like that.
Hey jay…i filled it out and clicked submit and the total votes counted came back at zero after i had voted…
Your design hurts my eyes
but I voted for you 2 times anyway