Help me with my little idea and earn millions!

WELL NOT REALLY MILLIONS…or any $ to be exact, but I will be your friend:rx3:

Anyways, I have a crazy/cool idea that you all will here about when im done but I kinda need some help. Cant tell you what it is yet but what Im looking for is a device that can heat up water but run on 12v. Must be around the size of a pencil.

Anything guys?

BTW-if I posted this in the wrong area im sorry. You can move it if you like

a heater coil of some sort? Do you want to submerge it in the water, or the water to run through it?

How much water, how hot, and how quickly?

Peltier Junctions will work but a small coil of resistance wire would be simplest

i take it you have a power supply? a heater coil would work, but its not the most efficient way to go about it.

About half a gallon of water. Heat up in a few minutes. Must submerge in the water. Must be above 50 degrees.

heater coil huh?

Yep, heater coil.

300 watt fish tank heater with a power inverter.

dont want to use a power inverter

Are you trying to heat windshield washer fluid?
See: Buick about 10 years ago.


Are you trying to heat windshield washer fluid?
See: Buick about 10 years ago.


haha pwnt.


About half a gallon of water. Heat up in a few minutes. Must submerge in the water. Must be above 50 degrees.

heater coil huh?


For the sake of argument let’s say it’s 2 liters instead of 1/2 gallon. 1 gal ~ 3.89 liters so we’re close. Since you are being so descriptive in your objectives let’s try 5 minutes = “few minutes”. Starting temp of the water?

2 liters water = 2 kg = (2x4184)= 8,368 Joules needed to raise it 1 degree.

5 minutes (assumed) = 300 secs.

HOW MUCH ARE YOU RAISNG THE TEMPERATURE??? What is Tzero, initial starting temp?


300 watt fish tank heater with a power inverter.


I must say, great guess.

300W fish tank heater will raise it 10.755* [C] in 5 minutes (300W X 300s / 8368J). So if you are starting @ freezing 0* [C] (32* [F]), you will acheive your 50*[F] goal in about 5 minutes. Using 12V will require 25 amps.\

I’m just going to keep this real simple, neglecting heat exhcange with surroundings, and even rounding;
If it is -4* [F] it will take 15 minutes
If it is 14*[F] it will take 10 minutes
If it is 32*[F] it will take 5 mintes

If you dont want to use a power inverter.

perhaps one of the NOS bottle heaters would suffice.

Water takes a ton of energy to heat, hence 300 watts.

Thanks to mr.gentleman Z for doing all the science math work

do not pass go, do NOT collect 200 dollars
you do NOT need to heat up the entire bottle that just wasted energy, what you need to do is heat the path of the fluid on its way quickly by passing it through an efficent heat exchanger coil to heat the squirt on its way out… kind of the reason a tankless water heater is so much mor efficent then a hot water tank…

2 liters is fine
32 degrees start is fine.
so lets say 20 degree jump


nice link but pricey
id like to make it myself

oh god, good luck, hehe


nice link but pricey
id like to make it myself


yea, its pricey cuz its NOT an easy thing to do…

if it was easy and cheap there would already be $20 coppies on ebay