Help my buddy win some free stuff from TWM Preformance!

Right now, I’m down by about 80 LIKES. If everyone could do me a huge favour and LIKE my photo, I’ll be in the lead by tonight. It would mean a lot to me to win this contest, so please help me out!

  1. Click on link.
  2. “LIKE” the photo in the TWM Performance album.
  3. Help me win parts that will actually get used, rather than the silly car show cars winning…

    Feel free to share this link on your wall, favourite facebook page, anywhere!!! The more “LIKES” that I can get the better!!/photo.php?fbid=10150602060114192&set=a.10150597191034192.397451.131414399191&type=3&theater

vote for KYLES ride! unlike half the guys in the contest he actually DRIVES his car. goddamn parkinglot queens!

let us know if u win!

“anderson” just copy and posted from facebook. its our buddy kyle whos in the contest. pretty sure he was part of union when they were still around.