Broke ass motha gonna loose his house
Aww poor baby.
lol sux to be him
How does he have a shitty credit rating from being on TV for too many years?
BS…that dude probably pissed his $ away…he was on Saved by the Bell…The college years…and the new class…not that I am a fan :snky: but come on…he made his $…bob saget is loaded…take an example screech.
Yeah, can’t say I’d even consider buying something to support someone who probably blew more money than I’ll make in the next 20 years.
fuck him. my friend’s dad just died earlier this week and they don’t have enough to pay for the wake and cremation. fuck screech. maybe he should learn how to not blow his money on blowing coke.
He says."My parents went through my money and a lot of it was wasted. I made about $250, 000 a year. I got 25 per cent of that until I turned 18… My dad used to teach electronics but he gave that up to drive me to auditions. I get a lot of, ‘you should be grateful I gave up my career’ comments… But 75 per cent of my money went out the window. My mother took some of the money too. She ran off and partied with it. My mom passed away in 1996 but my dad still lives with me.
So not only did you make bad decisions, you’re still making them. Yeah, I’ll pay my own mortgage with my money thanks bye.
and then after he turned 18…
he totally didn’t invest wisely, etc
way to go buddy :tup:
screech can go fuck off, what a whiny bitch. live within your means, fool
EDIT: he should take my job at adelphia
i never liked him, so NO.
hahaha thats awsome.
don’t forget he was on Celebrity Boxing!!!
exactly. if i had a fifth of what he made by the time i was 18 i wouldnt work another day in my life