Help with Statistical Analysis

I’m in the last phase of my thesis, but I am hitting a road block during the analysis. I BELIEVE i have to do a one way repeated measures ANOVA analysis based on the number of variables ect, but if any of you out there are good with this stuff, there’s beer in it for you to help me out as soon as humanly possible.

My thesis: take 12 mice and measure their ability to locate a sound source at 7 different speaker locations over a series of 7 different tone frequencies.

ie Trial 1: Mouse A locates correct speaker at 10 degrees with a tone presentation of 4 kHz. Outcome is either + / - localization. He either finds the correct side or does not.

My focus value is the threshhold per speaker.

ie: All mice average a threshold (point where % correct of all trials = 75%) of 30 degrees for 12 kHz, 33 degrees for 16 kHz ect…

12 mice
7 frequencies
7 separations
overall thresholds are measured.

How in the hell do i do an analysis of this.
I can clarify any and all info, just send a PM

CLIFF NOTES: Help me with statistics, get beer

I’m still in my 1st part of my thesis so I haven’t had to do any analysis yet. I’d say ask your advisor, that’s what they’re there for.

when do you need it done by? i am quite good with statistics but have work@ 8am tom.\

would love to help you out. looks like i justh ave to sit down and crunch numbers for a couple minutes and then organize and calculate data.

let me know when you need it done by.

If you go to RIT, take tomorrow to talk to Dr. Halavin. Crazy dude, but he really knows his shit and has been more than helpful to me. You’ll probably end up with 20x the info you wanted, but at least you’ll be on the right track afterwards.

If you aren’t RIT, idk.

So you want to find the sources of variation? I.e. variation due to location and variation due to frequency? It’s easy to do in Minitab. I don’t remember how to do it on paper, that would take some studying.

when do you need it done by?

still havent had this answered yet