Six Sigma Black Belt + Minitab Expertise Required ($$$$$$)

Looking for someone who is pretty good (preferably an expert) at minitab and six sigma stuff (DFSS Black Belt, Green Belt was a walk in the park). Taking an online course offered through my work, doing fairly well, I’m averaging around the 93 percentile, but at times struggle because I’m not great with software, and I’ve never taken statistics before this but have always been great at math. Well if I could go back in time I’d break my foot off in my own ass.

So looking for someone to help/tutor with things I’m stuck on for $$. The lectures I’m given aren’t great and there isn’t anyone to contact for help, such as a TA or help center. I’m going to drop by UB tomorrow and check out some potential aid. Figured I’d start here first.

PM me or text, 716-799-5907

