
i got a 1990 180SX a couple months ago…and the passenger headlight bulb burnt out, i’ve been pulled over a few times because of it…i was wondering if anyone knew what bulbs it took (9004/9003/9006 etc…) this car has 4 lights (2 lows 2 highs)


easy as just going to the store… even as bad as crappy tire… then have listings for cars and bulbs… super easy…

The headlights that came in the 180s, don’t pass dot regulations here from what I hear. Is it the bulb or the whole headlight? a lot of people change the lamps to dot approved ones. Just pull the bulb and go to canadian tire. You won’t find your car in the books there but I’m sure you can match it up to something

WOW holy retarded wow…lol i totally blanked out and thought it was just a 90 240sx…lol sorry… but ya same basic principle with the bulb…