Silvia triple projector headlight bulbs.

Anyone here know the part numbers/bulb style for the low beams and fogs.

I know the High beams are H3’s, but have no idea where to start with the fogs and low beams. My car didnt come with any bulbs, so taking the old ones out and matching it in the store isnt an option.

Let me know! thanks!

H4 … H3C

Alright, I went to the local speedshop and tried everything they had.

I got some H3c’s for my fogs, but for the lowbeams, I’ve still come up with nothing.

Anyone have or know of somewhere where i could get a set of lowbeam bulbs, or help me out with a type that would fit? I tried every “h” type bulb speedtech in saskatoon had, and nothing came up.

Lemme know please!

Well, it turns out i dont have some sort of adaptor plates for the H1’s the lowbeams, hence nothing fitting, this thread can be deleted! thanks!

i had the same problem as you i ended up doing some slight modifications to make the same bulb work for fog light, low beam and high beam

however i happened to stumble across the proper light bulb at NAPA its not a normal headlight bulb it used for fog lights and aftermarket lights added to vehicles. I cant rememebr wat it is called but its like $30 a bulb. If u want i can check it out for you it might save you a little hastle