Silvia headlight bulbs?

Hey, I have the silvia headlights with the dual projectors and the square fog light. My low beam burnt out and I can’t find anything like it anywhere. I have asked guys that have been in the parts business for 20+ years and they have no idea what it is. It looks exactly like an H1 but an H1 has one wire post, and mine has 2 wire posts. Equally sized and spaced.
My headlight look like these:

Anyone familiar with these? Perhaps ran into the same problem?

It is called an H3C. Go to Acura or honda and ask for a foglight from a 98 predlude or a daytime running like (i think) for a 98 ish acura CL. They should have them but be warned they are expensive. Ebay also has some ricer blue ones if you want.

H3C indeed …

OK thanks guys! I’ll check it out tommorow.

Do aftermarket companys support these bulbs? Can you pick them up at auto parts places, or are they really hard to get a hold of even when you know exactly what your after?

Also, if different brands make them, which ones have you guys found to work quite well? I am not a fan of really colourful headlights. I like White light with a hint of blue.

OK, I know that the H3C can be found. It is on E-bay, but where can I buy some around here? I talked to 4 different places and none of them had even head of it or seen anything like it. And the Honda dealer said the preludes never used those bulbs. I found that PIAA makes them but they aren’t in the american books. So where can I find these damn things?!?!

When I was looking for new bulbs for my Skyline (they have H3C as well) I came upon this website.

It’s an H3C to H3 conversion, I might consider doing that if the H3 bulbs are more common. After reading the article it looks really easy to do, almost too easy :stuck_out_tongue:

I do know that H3C bulbs are generally a pain to get, and I imagine it would really suck for your PIAA warranty if you have to wait for shipping for your replacement bulbs.

Just another option for you to consider :smiley:

Speedtech in Calgary has them on the shelf.

I’m too lazy to drive that far :stuck_out_tongue: Are they the PIAA H3C or another brand?

Also, I’m not sure if the H3 is easier to find. Are they readily available?

You can get H3 at like Walmart and Crappy tire!!
They are very easy to come by. And you can get blue tinted ones for under $20 each.

And yeah, that conversion would take like 2 minutes, very easy thanks for posting it!!
On my housing I can’t see very well, have to go by feel. So I will have to see if it has a screw I can use for a ground. If it does, then problem solved!!!

Just to update anyone who cares…
I tried converting over to a regular H3 by adding a ground wire to the headlight housing around the bulb opening and it worked perfectly. The H3 bulb is a perfect fit and is alot cheaper and easyer to get ahold of.
Doing this was easy but I did drop the tiny screw into the headlight housing, so if attempting make sure you have a magnet incase you do the same.

Sweet… glad it worked out so easily. What brand of bulbs did you buy? I’d like to get a pair of PIAA for the quality & warranty :smiley:

I only bought a cheap ass $8 bulb because I din’t want to buy anything expensive for my experimenting. Now that it worked I don’t know what bulb to go with either!

Just to let you know…On mine, red and green were power and black was ground. Double check but I would guess other nissans to be the same. Don’t hook it up backwards or you will probably ruin your expensive new PIAA bulbs!