Here ya go Blue Eyed Devil/

The comments make me want to gouge my eyes out with rusty sporks. Well, that’s true of all youtube comments.

heh, the look on the face of the people sitting next to her is great

Why me? I am the only one on here that doesn’t want socialized everything? lol

I did see that a couple months ago. There are tons of video of all of these wingnuts like the ones in Obamas administration and people just laugh it off.

“Who cares if they all love communism, socialism, etc?!? He he he its fun! Barrack is like a rock star!” This country has been taken over by retarded groupies.

Agreed, if only we had more internet trolls with conspiracy theory song lyrics in their signatures and absurd right winged agendas, man this country would RULE!

death to “retarded groupies!” death to the demoness Allegra Geller!