hey everyone........

i’m going to guess that someone is a g-body g-unit e-thug?

but he lost all his stuffing :bigthumb:

nope…no names I say.
anyways, I only had one problem with Norwalk, I wanted to kick Cutty’s ass at video games, we never ended up playing…he’s a little (okay alot!) competitive in nature…I think he was scurred!!! LOL


Bonneville > your alero!! bring it on!

awww how cute! you dont wanna compete with me on video games, you wanna fight a battle that you feel you can win…I get it! LOL
(love ya babe! xoxoxo) I’m tellin’ ya bob, you got your hands full. :naughty:

more like two handfuls :smiley:

You two are :nuts:

The niceness in the thread is making me :puke:

j/k :smiley:

awwww jenn, what a sweet thing to say…

no comment… shhhhhhhhhh.
Speakin of handfuls… what about the really cute stripper with the bouncy ones? sorry guys, no pics of that, all mental! LOL

I switched the subject.

my wife >all u girls!!!


even that one!!!


well the king has his priorities straight! Your woman is a lucky lady!

did someone say skrippers :blue: ???

yeah strippers! Cute strippers everywhere! It was a blast, some drinks, great company and titties!!! Woo hoo! and cars at the track! and alot of other ‘fun’ things, that I wont mention! :wink: …just an all around good weekend!

:bluez28: :bluez28: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: unless u post pics to prove other wise!!!

Darkstar LOVES bi-sexual girls! :smiley:

(and so does his girlfriend :naughty: )