Hey Ginger!

Even at a young age they’re angry…

kinda violent but very well put together. sooooo angry.lol

weird-ass plot, good production quality though

Nice lol, just showed my dad and my uncle, they thought it was funny till the kid pulled the gun. hahaha

see now I though it got funny WHEN he pulled the gun lol.

daywalker expresses his ginger pride

now THATS how you deliver papers

x2 lol

Well so did I, parents just think differently I guess. :dunno: I actually had a short little burst of laughter when the kid pulled the gun. If it was real it would have been a different story but some people can’t look past that fact that it’s not real.


Was that Turbociv as a kid?

QuattroKrant happen to be a ginger? :lol: