Am i wrong here?

My son is 2 years old and playing with blocks.

I fashioned a pistol out of blocks and we’re now pretending to shoot his other toys.

My mother in law is pissed off.

I say fuck all that noise… shit’s radical.

When he can sit through a movie that isnt Thomas the Tank Engine the first one will be Die Hard…

No, you are not wrong.

nope i have a 2 1/2 year old daughter, so i know right where your comming from. get up and play cowboys and indians with him infront of her :slight_smile:

If you keep children from things like this they will eventually learn about it from some other outlet. I would rather teach my children myself.

you dont want ur kid to be soft, so i say DO IT!

You are in the right, but it doesn’t surprise me she is upset.

Not in the wrong.

Gun from blocks is ok, penis from blocks is bad.

when he is old enough to comprehend, make sure you teach him gun saftey.

Dont want him finding someones gun and shooting his toys and friends.

The only thing you’re wrong about is using blocks instead of real guns.

Did you show him how to put the gun to the blocks head and ask for its last wish before it dies?

Cause thats day one pistol stuff right there.

You should teach him how to Lego Pistol Whip Grandma while shouting mind your own business.

But really it is fine. My parents gave me toy guns and made me follow strict rules when I was old enough to comprehend them. This led to them watching my behavior and eventually giving me real guns which is a totally kick ass gift to get from parents.


Die hard, such a good choice!

Have to jump on the band wagon here.

you did ok she didnt. My grandmother used to flip out when my dad would teach me about guns and show me how to take them apart put them back together and stuff like that.

The best part came when I was old enough to start shooting:D.

On a side note make sure you tell your kid to never point a toy gun at a person.

yeah the pointing at a person has to wait for him to understand english completely first.

I’ll assume your in-law is canadian as well. In general, most canadians that live in urban areas (i.e. not the country/sticks areas) are very adverse to guns. There is an inherent fear bred mostly by ignorance and media government bashing. When I mentions gun to my brother-in-law or sisters they flip and think I’m some wacko cowboy american and it’s just crazy I have them.

edit: that same attitude is in northern america urban/ south western urban areas as well.

An American cannot seriously refer to Canadian media as ignorant…

does not compute.

sorry :slight_smile:

youre not wrong, your mother is uptight

he’s a boy, and i give him props for fashioning something out of blocks and actually using his imagination unlike a lot of toys people buy for their kids these days

agree so much. i work in a toy store, i can tell you first had how many shitty toys people buy for there kids that’ll just turn them into tv watching zombies.