Hey, im chris

im chris, i have met some of you at innovative and around Buffalo. I moved here about 3 months ago. I drive an '02 WRX with lots of goodies. wave if you see me. peace.




CF hood?

hey chris…im chris :wave:

hey Chris, I’m Jan.
I have an 02 wrx as well… :tup:


dam how many rex owners are roolin in nyspeed? it’s like the newschool civic

hey and welcome to the board

welcome where you orig from?

whats up janny girl. i met you at innoviative., youre one of the people i was talknig about. and mike and rubicant, and don and others.
-i moved here from right outside philly.
-i do have a carbon fiber hood.

…here is a link to a pictuer of my car/////


Hey Im chris too, welcome and nice ride. :tup:


what up, i met you at sus place about a month back. twas nice to meet you

hey man,

i met you at your house before when you had that little bufscooby meet


Hi Chris, I’m Zong.

hey chris im …k cuv…hot ride btw :tup:

welcome man :wave: very nice ride :tup:

welcome to the board :slight_smile:

im chris too, and i have a wrx too.

OH bOY look at all these chris’s!!


<—chris also and I have an STI

nice to see all of the scoob owners coming out :slight_smile:

:wave: welcome aboard