
you said you read the whole thing yet say it was a dick swinging contest, for your information this Holden crap was between me and shorteaz, she’s a female, how can we be doing what you said,i think you may want to appologise to her for that comment, calling us idiots dosen’t make you any smarter.

I’m neglecting to recall the fact that i wasn’t there to see the car?, how stupid do you have to be to read and not understand that i’ve owned the Holdon commodore Lumina SS, i think i would know enough about them to be able to tell what they are just by clues, like you guys would if someone saw some sort of Nissan and described it.

Learn to pick my fights?
that does not concern me because i wasn’t fighting with anyone, maby “SOME” people have issue’s and are tid bit to sensative, its funny how people complain about so much stuff on here, suck it up and learn stuff from one another.:slight_smile: