
Hey everyone, sorry if this is noobish but I couldn’t find it anywhere and I am getting all of my research done so when I get my license next year (can’t wait) I’ll know exactly what car I want to buy.

Anyhow on to the question: If a car has to be 15 years or older to import then what’s with people having cars from 1993 or later? Is there a way to get around the 15 year rule or what? Just out of ideas. :confused:

^^^Yes, but you would have to find out yourself, you said you were getting your license next year ??? i’m assuming your only 16 then?, if not please notify,

anyways if you are that young, don’t even think about trying to import some skyline or somthing of that caliber that is less than 15 years old because its considered illegal i guess because its not 15 years old, mainly because all that trouble will not pay off for your insurance, it will be too high (IF) you are young, plus maintaining an imported car requires more $$

Anotherthing most people don’t even get halfway and they give up on a car project, so trying to import a unique car less than 15 years old will cost $$$$/TIME/ and some more $$$ and Paper work. I’m assuming you would want to import something nice and rare, if not you wouldn’t be doing that i guess.

But if you have the money, and its no issue go ahead yes you could get a younger car than 15 imported. But get someone who knows how the younger than 15 year old import loop works.

Yeah, I thought of the price thing and that’s why I’m doing my research. I might just wait up till later to get something imported. I was just wondering what was up with the loop. Thanks for the help though.

I’m not sure where you got your information from, but there’s no loophole!

get something slow and manual, it’s more fun, less expensive and will make you a better driver.

I drove the ultimate beater to familiarize myself with driving stick and driving techniques… the… TOYOTA ECHo… my ava is horribly outdated. And if you’re looking to get a car right when you get your g2 then work hard for the cash you need.

I second what Hanzz said because i lived it out. I was so dead set on getting an s13 or an s14 when i first got my g2, but in the end i was driving my parents golf, and echo. I screwd up once with those cars and got booked.

Now i’m anal as hell in my s13. Better you screw up in something you dont care as much about like a beater than in a car you adore and love.

If you’re learning to drive stick and you’re new to your liscense, i can reccomend no better car than the toyota echo… easy on you easy on your wallet. 17kpl, you can **** up the car as mucha s you want and it’ll always run.

Alright, forget me getting it as a first car, just wanna know what’s up with the loop?

Sigh, alright, it’s just weird seeing people with, and selling cars newer then 92 when they can’t be imported. o.O

Where are you seeing these cars?
The only “loophole” I can think about if you’re really seeing a car 93 or older thats imported is if you cut out the vin of the chassis of a car overseas, take off the doors or something similar so you can flag it with customs as a parts car, ship the doors and car separate, put it together when you get it here, weld in a plate for YOUR vin and register it as a kit car or some shit like that after you do your structural tests, certifications, etc. I’m sure the process is a lot greater than that and extremely time consuming. I can’t see anyone that’s willing to go through that much time and trouble only to turn around and sell the car after they’ve done all that work.
But please, let us know where you’re finding these car. I would really like to pick up an R34 GTR.

I herd from people who bought cars from Japan, although i would’t trust that information, thats why i recommended this person that if there is a loop hole system ASK someone whos done it for real, even though that is not such a good idea, as everyone mentioned.

I would highly suggest this person to get a slow car, get used to it, and get mods step by step, so he/she can get used to the speed/Mods while gaining experiance, i’m 22 and i still drive a resonably slow car, because anything going faster than 50kmh can be equally as dangerous.

I have been driving for ages now, and one thing i’ve learned is that fast cars are good as second cars not daily drivers. my second car(as a daily driver) was going to be a 240sx with moded engine and i didn’t buy it because i was 16, and knew in winter time i wouldn’t be able to control its power properly(and mind you i started driving younger than the age of 16, but you have to think with the brain not hype when it comes to cars).

Plus when you get a fast car you have to have the $$$ to maintain it.:R

Good Luck.

well, there KINDA is a loop hole…

people bring 240sx’s and such from the US to canada XD

hey when i was 15/16 i wanted a skyline to… well i just wanted to go fast in a rare car lol… then i got my first 5speed 89…then an auto90… now im back to the 89 5speed all hatch lol

me and terry saw a new holden …im pretty sure it was an SS…UTE at a gas station when we were going to sault …he asked the guy how he got it here…all the guy said was by boat lol

should have looked at their license plates if it wasn’t Canadian plates, it simply ment they shipped it by a boat for a temporary use in Canada, my friends do that all the time in England and else where in europe it actually cost less to do that than go for vacation and rent a car for a month.

Though i doubt that person owned the holden commodore SS in canada, unless the car was from Australia and 15 years old, because the North American market only got the new Pontiac GTO recently from 2004 i think, which is basically the newer Holden Platform and the Middle east has the Lumina SS.

If the person did have Canadian plates, he could have purchased the car elsewhere Australia or State, and transfered the ownership to Canada, because the Holden is exactly the same as the GTO which was released to the North Americas in 2004.

this thing looked nothing like a GTO, it was like the SSR, that truck thing. it had ontario plates, and a big “RIGHT HAND DRIVE” sticker in the rear window. I asked him how he got it in (i meant legally) and he replied, “by boat” i couldnt really hear him and by the time i realized what he had said, he drove off. oh yeah, and it was a 2006.

It’s still the same thing the GTO introduced to the america’s is basically 2 years behind body style wise i.e the middle east and australia have the 2007 model style by now, but the GTO looks like first kind of lumina SS i.e from 2000 to 2003.

here i’ll post up pics so guys can compare, trust me i know about them i owned a 2003 Lumina SS it was a Holden with Chevrolet badges.

Well below are pictures of my Lumina SS in Dubai, although i think my cousin that bastard sold it after i

Anyways look at it other than the badges the GTO looks like the older lumina SS,i.e the one shown in black below. The lumina SS were built prior to the year 2000 so yea Lumina SS OWNS the GTO (new one).lol

Therefore the 2006 on wards GTO is the old body shell from lumina SS which was connectively developed by Holden and Chevrolet, Pontiac joined the game later, as the GTO to the American Market.

Now if you look below, the body style Holden Commodore SS and Chevrolet Lumina SS this was up to i think 2006, and for 2007 the body has changed even more.

If this is still not what you saw, it probably you could have seen the HOLDEN CREWMAN SS, its a Holden commodore SS pickup.

i didnt say it was the commodore…its the ss UTE!!!..theres a big difference…it looks like a el camino …i dont remember seeing different plates from another country either

LOL. it is a commodore, look at my last post at the very bottom, its a commodore, but the pickup version called CREWMAN SS…


um…omg…no…it was an effing UTE man!

the crewman is a 4door…this thing wasnt a 4door…dont tell me im wrong when i looked up the car/truck before

look on there…on that page…do u see a freakin ute commodore…no!

and yes i read ur last post…you were talking about gto …lumina ss and the commodore

pwn urself

its the SS Ute!!! a lot of people from GTRC saw it too. why cant i be lucky enough to see this car.