New Orleans Faces Bleak Future...

that’s because we haven’t gone on an all out war since then either. We’ve simply been losing people in the wars since WW2 (Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq), and we haven’t exactly lost a huge amount of major equipment (ie: fighter jets, bombers, carriers, etc) in those wars. We would need factories specifically tooled for military equipment (guns, vehicles, etc) for the war to be good for our economy. (just supporting your statement)

maybe the ignorant people in NOLA should be shipped out to sea on a garbage barge and leave 'em. Sure there’s sick, disabled and elderly people who couldn’t get out. Get them out and save them, and forget about New Orleans. I mean, people shouldn’t have been living there…and there’s only 11 things that are of any importance that happen there anyway (Mardi gras and 10 NFL games…lol) so we wouldn’t be missing much.