New Orleans Faces Bleak Future...

:2fingers: I’m contemplating wether or not to just go and buy tons of materials like 2x4’s, drywall, etc and just stock up. I’ve got a lot of plans for my house and buy time I get to buying the shit the prices will be outragoues.

the war is what put the kibosh on us building a house on the farm, and is part of the reason we arent keeping it. this just makes things worse.

if you have the money, its probably not a bad idea to buy the poop you’re gonna need NOW.

I agree that just about everything is blamed on Bush lately. I’m very torn between believing the accusations (my liberal side) and trying to sort out the truth (the moderate in me).

Things arent cut and dry…thats for sure. But Bush did cut funding that would have reinforced the levees. Supossedly that funding would have made thems trong enought o fend off a category 5 storm (my ass). But regardless, our war in Iraq has made us much weaker internally.


“A year ago the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed to study how New Orleans could be protected from a catastrophic hurricane”

it was a study. that would have taken forever and a day, not 3 months and then 6 months execute. shit, they cant pave a fucking road in that amount of time.

I think that statement is what irks me the most… it’s VERY true. Regardless of the opinions or reasoning for the War in the desert, it is slowly destroying this country. On a civil, federal, and financial level.

The old stmt that “war is good for the economy” hasn’t been true since WWII, and this sure as hell aint the same situation.

The problem with that, is that most of them don’t have guns, I think their supplies were sunk…

“They have M-16s and they’re locked and loaded,” Gov. Kathleen Blanco said earlier. “These troops know how to shoot and kill, and they are more than willing to do so, and I expect they will.”

What happened to diplomacy? Would You think a governor would say something like that about her states residents?? LoL

Well, not account the Governator in CA.

Ha ha, Arnold would take all the looters and rapists out all by himself. Maybe place a call to Stallone and they would mow 'em down.

cant have stallone without russell…

:word: where do these people plan on keeping this stuff??? not to mention now they are gonna be fighting eachother for their “belongings” (ie: stolen stuff)

that’s because we haven’t gone on an all out war since then either. We’ve simply been losing people in the wars since WW2 (Vietnam, Korea, and Iraq), and we haven’t exactly lost a huge amount of major equipment (ie: fighter jets, bombers, carriers, etc) in those wars. We would need factories specifically tooled for military equipment (guns, vehicles, etc) for the war to be good for our economy. (just supporting your statement)

maybe the ignorant people in NOLA should be shipped out to sea on a garbage barge and leave 'em. Sure there’s sick, disabled and elderly people who couldn’t get out. Get them out and save them, and forget about New Orleans. I mean, people shouldn’t have been living there…and there’s only 11 things that are of any importance that happen there anyway (Mardi gras and 10 NFL games…lol) so we wouldn’t be missing much.