Hey Jeff, i have something for you.

or maybe not.:yum:


come on now

i want some:D

That is just NOT fair…AT ALL…can someone please PM me his address so I can go steal his wings and his camera so this never happens again. :smiley:

we are not even friends anymore:sadwavey:

i’m working on some chicken tacos too, gotta hurry cause my wings are getting cold.

i’ll take care of you one of these days. i would have to make them down there, cause there no way they would survive the trip

:blue: :kiss:

they look so GOOD AND JUICY!!!

they were so GOOD AND JUICY!!! all gone now. tacos are next

“I’m just going to the store to pick a couple of snacks for us.”

LIAR !!!

that was a snack.:hsdance:

You, sir, eat like a king. :smiley:

Don, what are you doing for the next steeler game? (we pay in beer and wild turkey) :wink:

to bad i drink neither.

spanky want wingie

you ain’t the only one that eats well…that’s Mondavi 2003 Cabernet Sauvignon and Deer Stew FTW.

No farva beans?

That would require Chianti, and I’m plum out of fresh, human livers…