Greg’s bike: S1000RR w/ slip on?

uploading now. HD so itll take a while

Stock S1000RR. piloted by GS

protein shake turds.

impressive, nice work Ray. I believe Brooks is wanting to play soon but ill let him chime in

We’re thinking about changing it this winter. The MVP hangar is garbage. It’s a nice piece but does not fit the tank well AT ALL. There is no way to get around smashing the shit out of the sending unit/float when you’re remove/installing it.

Isn’t Gregs bike faster than Brooks?

will brooks’ hook under 60? because i would really love to see his car go.

im talking about his car, his gear set is ready to go and its gonna go to synapse i believe Monday

hopefully he makes more power. the last run in 2008 ray was like 700rwhp, and brooks was making about the same.

rays car hooked from a 2nd gear hit last night, so brooks will need to come out on some tires. but man id love to see his car go again, especially with a reliable(hopefully) fuel system and transmission

well after talking with him about his tire set up i believe imo that its poss it will hook up a lil under or around 60, ill let him talk more cuz i dont own the car but i do think it will be a good race

i agree i really want to see his car go again, it will be alot more reliable this year. Both Ray and Brooks are bringing alot more to the table

doesn’t brooks have a small turbo? unless he got a new one

Real kots itt.

HTA 86

last i knew it was an HTA86 setup. thats plenty of turbo

Bench racing, but the way ray’s car is hooking from 2nd gear, the tire setup, BB, etc he’s finally got it down and is gonna be hard to beat.

not trying to bench race, just saying Brooks wants to play. Regardless who wins there both FAST cars and will be awesome to see

who gives a shit, wheres the video?

yeah, kramer is slacking big time.